Wednesday, September 21, 2011

write wirte

wow.. i am in the university already! First thing i want to thank God cause he give a place for me to live in asrama. He give a good roomate and housemates for me. i am happy living with them! i hope i can take single room .. but hahah.. dont think too much lah.. but it is ok for me to have double room la.. coz my roomate and housemates are nice.
start with 3 years university life. it is really a busy university life. i need to prepare how to face the stress.. coz the last years is the most stress. just start the university then so many meeting and works . i scare i cant handle on it.
say truely i am not biasa i become senior . a little bit weird. oklah just like tat.. nothing to write .

Saturday, September 10, 2011


1。我没有房间啊。还要暂时住在semi D 的。要搬两次也!多麻烦!
2。还要写信才能进beta 住!我要快点弄我的 网线啦。
4。要准备什么FYP 勒,要那种恐怖的感觉又要来了
还有许多的原因影响到我。也好,大家都出去读书了。在家乡也没有人陪我玩。要找一个朋友竟然都找不到。说真的,阿青离开马来西亚后,还真的蛮想念她的。她会陪我去这里那里的!还会陪我吃早餐 XD. 哈。还有小青。